Springtime in the Jewish calendar takes us on a seven week journey from Passover to Shavuot. A mystical tradition assigns a special attribute (one of the sephirot or divine traits) to each of the seven weeks as an opportunity for spiritual reflection and personal development.
Join The Tasman Center for Jewish Creativity for a 7-week asynchronous “art beit midrash” or creative study and exploration. Each week we’ll provide a short teaching/guided meditation (video and audio recording) on the weekly theme or attribute which you can watch or listen to whenever is convenient to you. We encourage you to set a time each week when you can do each meditation and afterwards reflect on the prompts through writing or art making. You will have an opportunity to reflect on that week’s theme and to set an intention for more mindful attention for integrating the weekly theme into your life.
Rabbi Sarah will offered a special live Zoom event on March 25th at 8pm EASTERN to launch the series, offer blessings and intentions for Passover and the Omer, and to answer questions. The video recording will be shared with all participants via email as well as in the private Facebook group for those unable to attend.
We also encourage participants to share and discuss in our private Facebook group. We’ll post the video and reflection prompts in the Facebook group and participants are welcome to respond and post insights, thoughts, ideas and questions. Prompts will also be sent out by email, if you prefer not to be on Facebook.
The course content will be available starting with beginning of the Omer (second night of Passover, Sunday March 28) but participants can register/ join the class at anytime during the first until April 1.
Each week participants will also be invited to post a poem, quote, photo, or object in connection with the week’s theme:
Week 1 - Chesed/Loving Kindness
Week 2 - Gevurah / Strength and Boundaries
Week 3 - Tiferet / Beauty, Harmony, and Compassion
Week 4 - Netzach / Endurance, Fortitude and Ambition
Week 5 - Hod / Humility and Splendor
Week 6 - Yesod / Bonding and Foundation
Week 7 - Malchut / Divinity and Leadership
No prior experience necessary and no artistic skills required. Open to participants of all backgrounds and all genders. Those from interfaith families/interfaith partnerships are especially welcome.
Investment: $150
Early bird: $125 through March 19th
We have a small amount of scholarships available. Please contact thetasmancenter@gmail.com for financial assistance.